Wednesday, April 25, 2012

9 Weeks 4 Days

Things have been going really well! I have morning, noon, and night sickness. Haha!!! But from everything I've heard and read, that's a good thing! I had an appointment last Tuesday. It was just a "what to expect" type thing. Also did two urine tests and they drew eight tubes of blood! Then I got a call Wednesday that they need more blood. So I went in and three more tubes were drawn. Everything is normal so far! I go in on May 8th to meet with a midwife and see if I like her. Still trying to pick the perfect doctor for my pregnancy... Otherwise, that's really all that's new :-) I'll keep posting updates!!!

Friday, April 13, 2012

7 Weeks 6 Days and Music in the Form of a Heartbeat

We had another ultrasound today and got to see and hear the heartbeat!!! I cried as soon as they turned the sound on. This is the first pregnancy that we have made it this far, so it was definitely an emotional day for us. And the doctor said that everything is perfect and baby is growing right on schedule! Plus, my miscarriage rate dropped below 5% because we were able to see and hear the heartbeat!! :D The heart rate was a strong 167 <3 I am on cloud nine.... I can't even describe how amazing this feeling is!!!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Well....This is Unexpected

I guess I was so busy focusing on work and the gym, that everything in the universe fell right into place.

Alex is beyond excited, I am beyond excited!! I'm actually in awe and shock!! This ultrasound was last Thursday. My HCG levels are good, but my progesterone is only an 11; they would like it to be above 20. So I am on progesterone supplements again. However, when I had the miscarriage two years ago, my level was 5; and my doctor said she has seen many normal pregnancies in women with a level 11. So hopefully that is a great sign! She also said that because of the look of my ultrasound, that my miscarriage chances drops down to 10%. Woohoo!!! :D

Today I am six weeks and two days :-) Everything is fantastic!!