Friday, May 24, 2013

Half a Year Gone Already

How has six months flown by so fast??? Now I completely understand what I was always told about enjoying every little moment, even the cries and sleepless nights. Isabella is sitting up, close to crawling, and can stand for several seconds on her own (or for a few minutes by herself holding onto a couch, or for hours holding onto our fingers!). She is babbling and giggling all the time and is really getting into toys! :-) I am finding it a lot more fun to dress her up in cute outfits and not just onesies. Alex is loving playing with her more, and she ADORES his Elmo voice!!! I've already started to gather ideas for her first birthday. I can't believe it's going to be here in another six months!

1 comment:

  1. Time sure flies when you have little ones right?

    Enjoy her tiny-ness ;)
